Biden Administration Announces Mass Amnesty Plan for Illegal Immigrants Married to U.S. Citizens


In a significant move, the Biden administration has unveiled a plan to grant amnesty to thousands of illegal immigrants who are married to U.S. citizens. This initiative, known as "parole in place," aims to provide work permits, deportation protections, and potentially a pathway to citizenship for these individuals. This policy shift marks one of the largest immigration-related relief efforts since the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

The plan focuses on undocumented immigrants who are spouses of U.S. citizens. Traditionally, these immigrants would need to leave the country and re-enter legally to obtain a green card. However, the new proposal allows them to remain in the U.S. and adjust their status without the risk of deportation. This move is part of President Joe Biden's broader strategy to address the nation's complex and often contentious immigration issues​​.

Critics argue that this policy effectively amounts to mass amnesty, bypassing established immigration procedures and potentially encouraging more illegal immigration. Andrew Arthur, a former immigration judge, described it as "a massive amnesty under the guise of prosecutorial discretion," allowing individuals who do not have legal standing in the U.S. to stay indefinitely​​.

Supporters, however, contend that the measure is a necessary humanitarian response, providing stability to families where one member is a U.S. citizen. The plan is also seen as a way to reduce the substantial backlog in immigration courts, which currently handle millions of unprocessed asylum claims​.

The administration has faced legal challenges over its use of parole authority, a tool previously invoked to allow certain immigrants to enter and stay in the U.S. temporarily. This plan is expected to encounter similar opposition, particularly from Republican-led states that have historically opposed broad amnesty measures​​.

This policy move comes as President Biden seeks to solidify support among Latino voters, particularly in battleground states like Nevada and Arizona. By addressing long-term undocumented immigrants, the administration aims to demonstrate a commitment to humane immigration policies, despite criticism from both conservative and progressive factions​​.

The new policy also includes measures to tighten asylum restrictions at legal ports of entry, reflecting the administration's attempt to balance enforcement with compassionate immigration reforms. Under this plan, illegal border crossings above a certain threshold would trigger automatic deportations, with limited exceptions​​.

The announcement has sparked a heated debate, highlighting the ongoing polarization around immigration policy in the United States. As the Biden administration navigates these contentious waters, the ultimate success of this plan will likely hinge on its ability to withstand legal scrutiny and garner bipartisan support.


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